Quantifying uncertainty with bootstrap intervals

Lecture 21

Dr. Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel

Duke University
STA 199 - Fall 2024

November 14, 2024


While you wait…

  • Go to your ae project in RStudio.

  • Make sure all of your changes up to this point are committed and pushed, i.e., there’s nothing left in your Git pane.

  • Click Pull to get today’s application exercise file: ae-18-duke-forest-bootstrap.qmd.

  • Wait till the you’re prompted to work on the application exercise during class before editing the file.


Project timeline and progress:

  • Due this Friday, Nov 15 - Milestone 3
    • Bare minimum: Address and close issues
    • Ideal: Start working on your project write-up in index.qmd
  • Before Monday, Nov 25 - Between Milestones 3 and 4
    • Bare minimum: Make substantial progress on your project write-up: Finish your introduction and exploratory data analysis (plots/summary statistics + their interpretations) + Write up methods you plan to use
    • Ideal: Start implementing the methods and get closer to answering your research question
  • On Monday, Nov 25 - Milestone 4
    • Peer review of others’ projects in lab
    • You must be in lab to participate in the peer review
    • If you cannot be there physically due to Thanksgiving travel, make arrangements to Zoom in with the rest of your team who are in lab
  • After Monday, Nov 26: Work on write-up and presentation incorporating feedback from peers and meeting with TAs/instructor as needed during office hours for further feedback

From last time

  • Go to your ae project in RStudio.

  • Continue working on ae-17-forest-classification.qmd.

  • Work through the application exercise in class, and render, commit, and push your edits.

Quantifying uncertainty


Find range of plausible values for the slope using bootstrap confidence intervals.


# load packages
library(tidyverse)   # for data wrangling and visualization
library(tidymodels)  # for modeling
library(openintro)   # for Duke Forest dataset
library(scales)      # for pretty axis labels
library(glue)        # for constructing character strings
library(knitr)       # for neatly formatted tables

Data: Houses in Duke Forest

  • Data on houses that were sold in the Duke Forest neighborhood of Durham, NC around November 2020
  • Scraped from Zillow
  • Source: openintro::duke_forest

Home in Duke Forest

Goal: Use the area (in square feet) to understand variability in the price of houses in Duke Forest.

Exploratory data analysis

ggplot(duke_forest, aes(x = area, y = price)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.7) +
    x = "Area (square feet)",
    y = "Sale price (USD)",
    title = "Price and area of houses in Duke Forest"
  ) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = label_dollar()) 


df_fit <- linear_reg() |>
  fit(price ~ area, data = duke_forest)

tidy(df_fit) |>
  kable(digits = 2) # neatly format table to 2 digits
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 116652.33 53302.46 2.19 0.03
area 159.48 18.17 8.78 0.00
  • Intercept: Duke Forest houses that are 0 square feet are expected to sell, for $116,652, on average.
    • Is this interpretation useful?
  • Slope: For each additional square foot, we expect the sale price of Duke Forest houses to be higher by $159, on average.

From sample to population

For each additional square foot, we expect the sale price of Duke Forest houses to be higher by $159, on average.

  • This estimate is valid for the single sample of 98 houses.
  • But what if we’re not interested quantifying the relationship between the size and price of a house in this single sample?
  • What if we want to say something about the relationship between these variables for all houses in Duke Forest?

Statistical inference

  • Statistical inference provide methods and tools so we can use the single observed sample to make valid statements (inferences) about the population it comes from

  • For our inferences to be valid, the sample should be random and representative of the population we’re interested in

Inference for simple linear regression

  • Calculate a confidence interval for the slope, \(\beta_1\) (today)

  • Conduct a hypothesis test for the slope,\(\beta_1\) (next week)

Confidence interval for the slope

Confidence interval

  • A plausible range of values for a population parameter is called a confidence interval
  • Using only a single point estimate is like fishing in a murky lake with a spear, and using a confidence interval is like fishing with a net
    • We can throw a spear where we saw a fish but we will probably miss, if we toss a net in that area, we have a good chance of catching the fish
    • Similarly, if we report a point estimate, we probably will not hit the exact population parameter, but if we report a range of plausible values we have a good shot at capturing the parameter

Confidence interval for the slope

A confidence interval will allow us to make a statement like “For each additional square foot, the model predicts the sale price of Duke Forest houses to be higher, on average, by $159, plus or minus X dollars.

  • Should X be $10? $100? $1000?

  • If we were to take another sample of 98 would we expect the slope calculated based on that sample to be exactly $159? Off by $10? $100? $1000?

  • The answer depends on how variable (from one sample to another sample) the sample statistic (the slope) is

  • We need a way to quantify the variability of the sample statistic

Quantify the variability of the slope

for estimation

  • Two approaches:
    1. Via simulation (what we’ll do in this course)
    2. Via mathematical models (what you can learn about in future courses)
  • Bootstrapping to quantify the variability of the slope for the purpose of estimation:
    • Bootstrap new samples from the original sample
    • Fit models to each of the samples and estimate the slope
    • Use features of the distribution of the bootstrapped slopes to construct a confidence interval

Bootstrap sample 1

Bootstrap sample 2

Bootstrap sample 3

Bootstrap sample 4

Bootstrap sample 5

so on and so forth…

Bootstrap samples 1 - 5

Bootstrap samples 1 - 100

Slopes of bootstrap samples

Fill in the blank: For each additional square foot, the model predicts the sale price of Duke Forest houses to be higher, on average, by $159, plus or minus ___ dollars.

Slopes of bootstrap samples

Fill in the blank: For each additional square foot, we expect the sale price of Duke Forest houses to be higher, on average, by $159, plus or minus ___ dollars.

Confidence level

How confident are you that the true slope is between $0 and $250? How about $150 and $170? How about $90 and $210?

95% confidence interval

Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead.
  • A 95% confidence interval is bounded by the middle 95% of the bootstrap distribution
  • We are 95% confident that for each additional square foot, the model predicts the sale price of Duke Forest houses to be higher, on average, by $90.43 to $205.77.

Application exercise


  • Go to your ae project in RStudio.

  • If you haven’t yet done so, make sure all of your changes up to this point are committed and pushed, i.e., there’s nothing left in your Git pane.

  • If you haven’t yet done so, click Pull to get today’s application exercise file: ae-18-duke-forest-bootstrap.qmd.

  • Work through the application exercise in class, and render, commit, and push your edits.

Computing the CI for the slope I

Calculate the observed slope:

observed_fit <- duke_forest |>
  specify(price ~ area) |>

# A tibble: 2 × 2
  term      estimate
  <chr>        <dbl>
1 intercept  116652.
2 area          159.

Computing the CI for the slope II

Take 100 bootstrap samples and fit models to each one:


boot_fits <- duke_forest |>
  specify(price ~ area) |>
  generate(reps = 100, type = "bootstrap") |>

# A tibble: 200 × 3
# Groups:   replicate [100]
   replicate term      estimate
       <int> <chr>        <dbl>
 1         1 intercept   47819.
 2         1 area          191.
 3         2 intercept  144645.
 4         2 area          134.
 5         3 intercept  114008.
 6         3 area          161.
 7         4 intercept  100639.
 8         4 area          166.
 9         5 intercept  215264.
10         5 area          125.
# ℹ 190 more rows

Computing the CI for the slope III

Percentile method: Compute the 95% CI as the middle 95% of the bootstrap distribution:

  point_estimate = observed_fit, 
  level = 0.95,
  type = "percentile" # default method
# A tibble: 2 × 3
  term      lower_ci upper_ci
  <chr>        <dbl>    <dbl>
1 area          92.1     223.
2 intercept -36765.   296528.

Precision vs. accuracy

If we want to be very certain that we capture the population parameter, should we use a wider or a narrower interval? What drawbacks are associated with using a wider interval?

Precision vs. accuracy

How can we get best of both worlds – high precision and high accuracy?

Changing confidence level

How would you modify the following code to calculate a 90% confidence interval? How would you modify it for a 99% confidence interval?

  point_estimate = observed_fit, 
  level = 0.95,
  type = "percentile"
# A tibble: 2 × 3
  term      lower_ci upper_ci
  <chr>        <dbl>    <dbl>
1 area          92.1     223.
2 intercept -36765.   296528.

Changing confidence level

## confidence level: 90%
  boot_fits, point_estimate = observed_fit, 
  level = 0.90, type = "percentile"
# A tibble: 2 × 3
  term      lower_ci upper_ci
  <chr>        <dbl>    <dbl>
1 area          104.     212.
2 intercept  -24380.  256730.
## confidence level: 99%
  boot_fits, point_estimate = observed_fit, 
  level = 0.99, type = "percentile"
# A tibble: 2 × 3
  term      lower_ci upper_ci
  <chr>        <dbl>    <dbl>
1 area          56.3     226.
2 intercept -61950.   370395.


  • Population: Complete set of observations of whatever we are studying, e.g., people, tweets, photographs, etc. (population size = \(N\))

  • Sample: Subset of the population, ideally random and representative (sample size = \(n\))

  • Sample statistic \(\ne\) population parameter, but if the sample is good, it can be a good estimate

  • Statistical inference: Discipline that concerns itself with the development of procedures, methods, and theorems that allow us to extract meaning and information from data that has been generated by stochastic (random) process

  • We report the estimate with a confidence interval, and the width of this interval depends on the variability of sample statistics from different samples from the population

  • Since we can’t continue sampling from the population, we bootstrap from the one sample we have to estimate sampling variability