AE 08: Durham climate + factors

Application exercise

Getting started


We will use the tidyverse package in this application exercise.


The data come from and are stored as durham-climate.csv in the data folder.

durham_climate <- read_csv("data/durham-climate.csv")

And let’s take a look at the data.

# A tibble: 12 × 4
   month     avg_high_f avg_low_f precipitation_in
   <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 January           49        28             4.45
 2 February          53        29             3.7 
 3 March             62        37             4.69
 4 April             71        46             3.43
 5 May               79        56             4.61
 6 June              85        65             4.02
 7 July              89        70             3.94
 8 August            87        68             4.37
 9 September         81        60             4.37
10 October           71        47             3.7 
11 November          62        37             3.39
12 December          53        30             3.43


What’s wrong with the following plot?

Add your response here.

  aes(x = month, y = avg_high_f, group = 1)
  ) +
  geom_line() +
    shape = "circle filled", size = 2,
    color = "black", fill = "white", stroke = 1
  ) +
    x = "Month",
    y = "Average high temperature (F)",
    title = "Durham climate"

Fix the plot.

# add code here

Recode and reorder

Update the plot above, coloring points based on season. Additionally:

  • Make sure the legend is on top of the plot and the seasons appear in the legend in the order they appear in the plot (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall).

  • Use "circle filled" as the shape for points, set their size to 3 points, outline (stroke) to 1 point, and fill them in with the following colors:

    • Winter: lightskyblue1
    • Spring: chartreuse3
    • Summer: gold2
    • Fall: lightsalmon4
# add code here


Overlay lines for both high and low temperatures on the same plot. Additionally, use different colors for the two lines – a darker color for high and a lighter color for low temperatures.

# add code here